RHR Reasonable Progress Reports

Haze Event, Agua Tibia Class I Wilderness Area, California Station Fire, Haze, California Fort Ross, California Great Sand Dunes National Park Class I Area, Colorado Phoenix, Arizona
Regional Haze Rule Implementation - Reasonable Progress Analysis Support

The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) has worked cooperatively with western state air agency representatives to prepare a Regional Haze Rule (RHR) progress report technical support document. The primary contractor for this effort was Air Resource Specialists, Inc. (ARS).

This document is intended to provide the technical basis for use by Western States to develop the first of their individual reasonable progress reports. It includes background information, and regional, state, and Class I area (CIA) specific summaries that characterize the difference between baseline conditions (2000-2004) and first successive progress period (2005-2009). Specific regulatory questions addressed in this report include:

  • What are the current visibility conditions for the most impaired (worst) and least impaired (best) days?
  • What is the difference between current visibility conditions and baseline conditions for the most impaired and least impaired days?
  • What is the change in emissions that occurred between the baseline period and the progress period?

WRAP First Progress Report Support Document

Full Document (without appendices) (pdf) (13.9 MB)
Full Appendices (A-O) (pdf) (11.4 MB)

Background Information, Sections 1-3 (pdf) (1.4 MB)

Executive Summary
2.0Regulatory Requirements
3.0Data Sources
3.1 IMPROVE Monitoring Data
3.2 Emissions Inventories
3.3 The WRAP TSS

Regional Summaries

4.0WRAP Regional Summaries (pdf) (1.5 MB)
5.0Section 309 Regional Summaries (pdf) (0.6 MB)
6.0State Summaries (and State Specific Appendices)

  1.   Alaska (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix A (pdf) (0.7 MB)
  2.   Arizona (pdf) (1.1 MB), Appendix B (pdf) (1.6 MB)
  3.   California (pdf) (1.1 MB), Appendix C (pdf) (2.6 MB)
  4.   Colorado (pdf) (1 MB), Appendix D (pdf) (1 MB)
  5.   Hawaii (pdf) (1 MB), Appendix E (pdf) (0.5 MB)
  6.   Idaho (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix F (pdf) (0.9 MB)
  7.   Montana (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix G (pdf) (1.1 MB)
  8.   Nevada (pdf) (0.8 MB), Appendix H (pdf) (0.3 MB)
  9.   New Mexico (pdf) (1 MB), Appendix I (pdf) (1.2 MB)
  10. North Dakota (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix J (pdf) (0.5 MB)
  11. Oregon (pdf) (0.8 MB), Appendix K (pdf) (1.3 MB)
  12. South Dakota (pdf) (1 MB), Appendix L (pdf) (0.5 MB)
  13. Utah (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix M (pdf) (0.7 MB)
  14. Washington (pdf) (0.8 MB), Appendix N (pdf (1 MB)
  15. Wyoming (pdf) (0.9 MB), Appendix O (pdf) (0.6 MB)

States can also login to original project support website: